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所属类别:集团新闻      发布时间 :2017-09-19

2017年9月15日 ,由中国新加坡商会及财新传媒主办、利博集团荣誉赞助的“2017中国—新加坡高层论坛”于北京千禧大酒店成功举办,利博集团行政总裁吴志忠先生及融资部总裁郑润聪先生出席会议。


全球政治经济不确定性显著上升,从英国脱欧、特朗普冲击到美国退出TPP ,世界经济贸易和金融风险处于易发期,砥砺前行 。

面对逆全球化浪潮,中国力挺全球化,指出中国的发展是世界机遇 。从亚投行初试锋芒到丝路基金启航 ,从“一带一路”倡议到人民币加速国际化进程 ,以及从去年的 G20 杭州峰会到2017 冬季达沃斯 ,再到“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛 ,中国在全球经济治理和金融改革中不断谋求主动。

中新合作展望新未来 。2017 年是中国—东盟建立对话关系26 周年,东盟成立50 周年。中国正积极推动中国—东盟自贸区升级 ,建设亚太自贸区,释放区域发展潜力。作为“海上丝绸之路”的重要节点、海外首个离岸人民币中心、以及东南亚金融中心 ,新加坡将在人民币国际化、“一带一路”建设中不断挖掘中国和新加坡经贸和金融合作的潜力 。

该论坛为关注中国与世界合作进程的各国投资人、企业家提供了高端交流平台  ,共同展望在全球新经济格局下的商业机会与投资趋势。


Global political economy faces a significant rise of certainties, the frequently-occurred Black Swan events, the Brexit, Trump’s assuming presidency, and U.S.’s withdrawing TPP, the global economy trade and finance struggle to forge ahead under the hidden risks.

Facing the tide of anti-globalization, China shows strong support for globalization, and clearly point out that China's development is an opportunity to the world. From Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)’s taking off to Silk Road Fund’s setting up, from “One Belt, One Road” initiative to the accelerating process of the globalization of RMB, as well as from last year’s G20 Hangzhou Summit to the 2017 World Economic Forum, further to the “One Belt, One Road” International Cooperation Summit, China is constantly seeking to take the initiative in global economic management and financial reform.

China and Singapore’s cooperation is looking forward to a new future. The year 2017marks the 26th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations, and the 50th anniversary of ASEAN establishment. China is actively promoting the upgrade of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, the foundation of the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area, and the release of regional development potential. As the significant node of Maritime Silk Road, the first overseas offshore RMB center and financial center of Southeast Asia, Singapore plays an important fulcrum of RMB flow, promotes the internationalization of RMB and taps the potential of economic and financial cooperation between China and Singapore.

The Forum provided a high-end platform for the global investors and entrepreneurs with stronginterest in the cooperation between China and the world, and thus made out the prospect of business opportunities and investment trend under this changing global economic landscape.

开幕致辞 | Opening Remarks

薛宝金 中国新加坡商会会长

Dorothy SEET Poh Kim, Chairperson, Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China

开幕致辞 | Opening Remarks

张继伟 财新网总编辑  ,财新传媒编委

ZHANG Jiwei, Managing Editor of Caixin.com; Editorial Board Member of Caixin Media

主旨演讲 | Keynote Speeches

许宝琨医生 新加坡贸工部兼国家发展部高级政务部长

Dr. KOH Poh Koon, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry & Ministry of National Development, Republic of Singapore

主旨演讲 | Keynote Speeches

何亚非 中国外交部原副部长,国务院侨务办公室原副主任
HE Yafei, Former Vice Minister, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council; Former Vice Minister, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Panel Discussion I: The New Journey of the Internationalization of RMB

左二 :盛松成,中国人民银行参事、调查统计司原司长,中国互联网金融协会统计分析专业 委员会主任

左三:管 涛,中国金融四十人论坛高级研究员、学术委员,中国经济五十人论坛成员,国 家外汇管理局国际收支司原司长

右三:伍 戈 ,华融证券首席经济学家

右二:杨宇霆 ,澳新银行大中华区首席经济学家

右一 :李福陈 ,星展银行董事总经理、固定收益部主管

主题讨论二 :中国经济与东盟投资机遇

Panel Discussion II: China’s Economy and ASEAN Investment Opportunities

左二:许宁宁,中国东盟首席商务专家 ,中国东盟商务理事会执行理事长

左三 :潘于恩,亚洲基础设施投资银行投资运营局局长

左四 :薛嘉麟,清控资管集团高级副总裁,清控金信资本董事长



右二:陈和烽 ,新加坡交易所资本市场业务部主管

右一:林 弘,德勤中国审计合伙人